Personal loan


Not to be confused with a business loan


  • Life, TPD (incl. WoP)
  • According to loan duration and amount 


  • Often required by the bank in addition to other guarantees
  • Reimburses the outstanding loan amount




  • Principle earner
  • Joint life cover for spouses / partners


Depending on sum assured: 


Usually a 3-year average should be used. Be careful with trends, high deviations, and one-off payments. 

  • Employed: 
    • Earned gross income
    • Regular allowances, bonuses, commissions, etc.
  • Self-employed: 
    • Net profit before tax * share percentage


No uniform calculation

Points to be considered: 

  • Sum and duration should match that of the loan
  • Borrower should be insured
  • If multiple borrowers take out policies for the same loan, over-insurance can occur if the full loan amount is insured several times over. In order to avoid this, it is recommendable to use a joint life cover or insert additional policy conditions stating that the requested loan amount should only be paid out once
  • Borrower / insured should be the principle earner
  • Purpose of the loan cover
  • Interest rate
  • Other guarantees
  • Was the insurance requested by the bank / lender? 

Multiples can be used as a reference, but you can be more lenient for loan cover. 


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